MentalKaos Akina: HRS_MK_LONELY
Shilenni Resident: Today I'm wearing black
REIGN♥: REIGN.- Charisma Heels
Meccaa Resident: Boca bangle and necklace @ Kustom9
Anessa Stine: On Your Toes Blog: Filtered Light
theslshoedept: Like The SL Shoe Dept on Facebook for releases from many shoe designers.
Maroylin: Mrs Mouse
Shilenni Resident: Our story never ends
Anty Kiyori: What Goes Around...
MentalKaos Akina: HRS_MK_NYUSNOB
Neda Andel ~SLooK4U Blog ~: There comes a time when u have to choose between turning the page or closing the book...
Kira Yong: 124 - Part 2
Kira Yong: Ad Work for CO57 - New Shoes!
Steffy Ghost/ JackSpoon: #to credit or not to credit
Meccaa Resident: Orissa Collection at Uber
Kira Yong: 119 ft