Carla W.: Landen's first time in the Ocean
Carla W.: cheeky grin
Carla W.: Walking in the sand
Carla W.: Ball
Carla W.: Mo Mo!
Carla W.: Ham it up for Nana
Carla W.: Run run run
Carla W.: Look at that face!
Carla W.: Pure joy
Carla W.: Playing with Mommy
Carla W.: Mother and child
Carla W.: Enjoying the view
Carla W.: First time in the ocean
Carla W.: Love!
Carla W.: What a cutie
Carla W.: Love that Smile
Carla W.: Baby face
Carla W.: Feeling the sand
Carla W.: Big Smiles
Carla W.: 2012 and 32 inches
Carla W.: Feeding the baby goats
Carla W.: Smiling for Nana
Carla W.: Lemos Farm
Carla W.: He knows how to pose for the camera.
Carla W.: Kissing the goat?
Carla W.: Feeding the goats
Carla W.: Fall 2012
Carla W.: windsor gardens
Carla W.: White House South Lawn
Carla W.: where is the cheese