think-marvelous: IMG_0047
think-marvelous: good times
think-marvelous: stunning cafe
think-marvelous: library at the V&A
think-marvelous: P1000642
think-marvelous: dutch pancakes
think-marvelous: P1000601
think-marvelous: P1000600
think-marvelous: ice skating!!
think-marvelous: soaking in the city
think-marvelous: getting ready for more people
think-marvelous: Christmas breakfast is becoming my favourite
think-marvelous: making things
think-marvelous: staff Christmas do at a yummy Indian place
think-marvelous: Gregory Alan Isakov gig for J's bday
think-marvelous: a lovely cafe
think-marvelous: Joy + I meeting up with the MSCF girls
think-marvelous: Winchester
think-marvelous: Christmas shop + decorating day