Clive1945: Reels
Clive1945: The Weaving Shed
Clive1945: Spools
Clive1945: Cast Iron framed Loom
Clive1945: Scott Sociable (1922)
Clive1945: Jowett Jason DL (1936)
Clive1945: Jowett 7 -17 HP Long Wheelbase Commercial Van (1932)
Clive1945: Bradford Van Rolling Chassis (1948)
Clive1945: Jowett Display
Clive1945: Jowett 6.4 HP Light Car (1921)
Clive1945: The Blacksmiths Shop #1
Clive1945: The Blacksmiths Shop #2
Clive1945: The Blacksmiths Shop #3
Clive1945: The Blacksmith #2
Clive1945: The Blacksmith #1
Clive1945: Jowett 8HP (1937) #2
Clive1945: Jowett Jason DL (1936) #2
Clive1945: Columbian Printing Press
Clive1945: Jowett 6.4 HP Light Car #3 (1921)
Clive1945: Mechanism #1
Clive1945: Stanhope Invenit
Clive1945: Madge
Clive1945: Spinning a yarn
Clive1945: Coat of many cultures
Clive1945: Scott Sociable (1922) #2
Clive1945: Jowett 8HP (1937)
Clive1945: Tandem Compound Steam Engine
Clive1945: Linton Mill Uniflow Steam Engine
Clive1945: Hoffmann Sprinkler
Clive1945: Yorkshire Rail