The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 11 of "A Floral Fantasy in an Old English Garden. Set forth in verses & coloured designs"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 10 of "A Floral Fantasy in an Old English Garden. Set forth in verses & coloured designs"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 43 of "Wanderings through the ruins of Heidelberg Castle and its environs. With views ... Edited by Richard-Janillon. (From the German by H. J. Grainger.)"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 347 of "La France pittoresque. Ouvrage illustré, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 445 of "Coleccio de monografías de Catalunya. Anotadas per J. Reig y Vilardell. Ab un prefaci del eminent historiador J. Coroleu ... Edició ilustrada"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 700 of "Geology, introductory, descriptive and practical"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 43 of "Memories of Malling and its Valley. With a fauna and flora of Kent, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 74 of "Our own country. Descriptive, historical, pictorial"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 52 of "A Book of Old English Ballads. With an accompaniment of decorative drawings by G. W. Edwards, and an introduction by H. W. Mabie"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 233 of "The Earth and its Inhabitants. The European section of the Universal Geography by E. Reclus. Edited by E. G. Ravenstein. Illustrated by ... engravings and maps"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 11 of "The Christian Year, etc [With a portrait.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 312 of "Jezebel's Daughter"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 25 of "The Poor Man's Advice to his poor neighbours: A ballad, to the tune of Chevy-Chace"
The British Library:
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 11 of "The Works of John Locke, etc. (The Remains of John Locke ... Published from his original manuscripts.-An account of the life and writings of John Locke [by J. Le Clerc] . The third edition, etc.) [With a po
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 16 of "The Nights of Straparola" (1894)
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 497 of "The works of Ben Jonson. With a biographical memoir, by William Gifford. A new edition"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 141 of "York and York Castle: an appendix to the 'Records of York Castle.'"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 47 of "The Jubilee handbook of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and places of interest in the North of England, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 109 of "Records of Walmer together with 'The Three Castles that keep the Downs' ... Illustrated, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 249 of "The Histories of Launceston and Dunheved, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 300 of "Annales regioduni Hullini. The history of the ... town of Kingston-upon-Hull ... Together with several letters containing some accounts of the antiquities of Bridlington, Scarborough, Whitby, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 161 of "Memorials of Old Whitby, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 61 of "Summer Holidays in North East England. Illustrated with photographs by Payne Jennings, etc. (Descriptive letterpress by C. Cotterell.)"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 186 of "Memorials of Old Whitby, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 167 of "The Magic of the Pine Woods: a tale, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 146 of "The Death Shot. A romance of forest and prairie, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 21 of "The Death Shot. A romance of forest and prairie, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 167 of "The English Border in the days of Henry the Eighth"