cliffwjenkins: Pregame meal for your @xaviermsoc ball kids tonight. #LetsGoX #Xavier
cliffwjenkins: So I can tell you what I DIDN'T eat today.
cliffwjenkins: Dog park day! #dogs #labrador #chocolate
cliffwjenkins: All X'ed out today for school. Representing #Xavier!
cliffwjenkins: Post-match @findlaymarket visit! It's sooo #Cincinnati.
cliffwjenkins: This. #spring #tunesandblooms #flowers
cliffwjenkins: Trying to figure out how much acid the folks at #snapchat do when coming up with these facials. Entertainment for minutes.
cliffwjenkins: Hard work on the pitch, harder work off of it for this student-athlete. Sunday night study table.
cliffwjenkins: When you're unqualified to wrap cables... 😑
cliffwjenkins: Wacky Wednesday at school. This is an interesting foursome.
cliffwjenkins: The #bockfest is loose on the streets.
cliffwjenkins: A #Cincinnati icon Jim Tarbell.
cliffwjenkins: Brothers Inebriate... Marching in the #reds #openingday2016 #findlaymarket parade
cliffwjenkins: Opening Day!
cliffwjenkins: It's funny I went through my footage of last night's game expecting a different outcome but it never came. We have to accept what is laid before us and move forward. Last night capped an incredible season and it was - like it always is - filled with amazi
cliffwjenkins: Park much?
cliffwjenkins: Just left my soul behind. Later St. Louis.
cliffwjenkins: Not hard to find me.
cliffwjenkins: Good times with great friends.
cliffwjenkins: #LetsGoX 8 minutes left.
cliffwjenkins: AirX is rolling out STL bound. #LetsGoX
cliffwjenkins: So long beautiful. Until next year...
cliffwjenkins: Shhhhhhh...
cliffwjenkins: Getting a little outa hand in New York. #xinthecity #Xavier @cjmontante12
cliffwjenkins: Can't remember when it's been this nice in #NYC.
cliffwjenkins: Oh how I've missed you old friend. #nyc #xinthecity
cliffwjenkins: I see you working @sffivetu.
cliffwjenkins: We're about to set sail! #bockfest #trojangoat
cliffwjenkins: Good way to start off a #XUGAMEDAY! Pirate strips! #LetsGoX #Xavier
cliffwjenkins: So this happened.