Algie Moncrief: 20230909_003587 : 123 Pictures in 2023 : #68 Mundane
4Rider: Knipy 26-3-24 (2)
Micholand: A crooked tree
tmvissers: Wharton Esherick Museum
Ivo Stunga: Rollei Retro 80S + RG715
bensongilchrist: DSC_0648
carrolldeweese: 5C2B2837_DxO
Maurice Biggins: Bury Pargetting
Maurice Biggins: La Planta y la Puerta
Maurice Biggins: Blue Garage with Plant Shadows
perottooppi: New Dress?
perottooppi: Down South
perottooppi: Phantom of the opera
perottooppi: Sleepy days
perottooppi: Blue-ish sky
perottooppi: On The Way
perottooppi: Roundabout
perottooppi: We Trust - Tillit!
Paul Greeves: Classic Car. Menaggio. Lake Como.
Barnaby Nutt: The Goddess
Amelien (Fr) (Moving without internet): A door and a tree, Paris