clear01: wire wall
clear01: cop car
clear01: lonely planet
clear01: gone
clear01: talking and walking
clear01: beltway plaza
clear01: M and New Hampshire
clear01: 18th & M
clear01: thomas circle park
clear01: near us
clear01: still
clear01: malcolm x park
clear01: Connecticut & L
clear01: pretty close
clear01: me & you
clear01: fancy & mysterious
clear01: the waiting
clear01: staggering heights
clear01: Irving & Hiatt St. NW
clear01: Policy Of Truth
clear01: late lunch
clear01: eating & daydreaming
clear01: strictly business
clear01: multitasking
clear01: cool breeze
clear01: focus
clear01: eastern market
clear01: space man
clear01: over there
clear01: nice conversation