franklwf: 鳳頭鷹 Crested goshawk
franklwf: Marsh sandpiper 澤鷸
N.E Photography: Rainbow Bee-eater
franklwf: P8056900.jpg
jameskearsley1: Barn Owl.
franklwf: Crescent Moon
franklwf: P5019894.jpg
coverkill: mochuelos
franklwf: 大白鷺 Ardea alba
franklwf: 白胸翡翠 White-breasted kingfisher
stephenbennett601: Dinner time.
BP Chua: Spotted Owlet
rickdunlap2: White-tailed Kite, Elanus leucurus
tonydawe1: Bare-Eyed Pigeon-Patagioena Corensis
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): What will 2018 bring?
stitchersue: Great Grey Owl
bgfotologue: Sky Mirror.
xrxss15: Purple-crested Turaco
aivar.mikko: Purple Roller or Rufous-crowned Roller
franklwf: Catch of the day!
Peter Bangayan: Great Horned Owl
franklwf: Oriental magpie-robin
bgfotologue: 乘鞍高原.
Ron Fredrick: African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer)
Makgobokgobo: More Serious Business
davoson: Taking a break
laurie.mccarty: DSC_8587=3BKingfisher