*jarr*: Badwater
Pat's Pics36: Northern Flicker @ Feeder
shin ikegami: 2020.7.18 - archives
tlswan2: Sand Dune Beach
shin ikegami: 2020.7.19 - archives
Laval Roy: 1.02767 Pygargue à tête blanche / Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis / Bald Eagle
Laval Roy: 1.02767 Pygargue à tête blanche / Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis / Bald Eagle
Laval Roy: Marmotte à ventre jaune / Marmota flaviventer ssp. / Yellow-bellied Marmot / Marmota de vientre amarillo
Laval Roy: Marmotte à ventre jaune / Marmota flaviventer ssp. / Yellow-bellied Marmot / Marmota de vientre amarillo
Laval Roy: 1.02044 Grand Héron / Ardea herodias herodias / Great Blue Heron
natureuberalles: Little Insect
natureuberalles: Fox Hunting
natureuberalles: Wish you were here.
natureuberalles: Using a green filter for black and white
natureuberalles: Common thing to take photos in summer
haslerbryan: Heron in flight..
haslerbryan: cormorant.
wivhub18: IMG_7117
wivhub18: IMG_1111
davie ch: DSC_4559-Edit-Edit
davie ch: DSC_4676-Edit-Edit
davie ch: DSC_1041-Edit-Edit
davie ch: DSC_8488-Edit-Edit
natureuberalles: Asio Otus
womboyne7: Hyena and Vultures seen at Suvuti Camp, Botswana.
womboyne7: Ring Tailed Lemur for World Monkey Day, 14th December
womboyne7: The Lightning Last Night.
RobiBracco: 20231117-081052_H2S2203-Airone bianco
RobiBracco: 20231117-081258_H2S2267-Cigno
RobiBracco: 20230310-080621_H2S1215-Cigno