Phoenix Wemyss: 🐒 ◤Back to Game◢
Phoenix Wemyss: You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.
Phoenix Wemyss: Know that you can start late, look different, be uncertain and still succeed.
Phoenix Wemyss: The lady in red...
Phoenix Wemyss: You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Phoenix Wemyss: Eventually, everything connects...
Phoenix Wemyss: The Earl of the Modern World
Phoenix Wemyss: “The brightest light casts the darkest shadow.”
Phoenix Wemyss: I want to be different. If everyone is wearing black, I want to be wearing red.
Phoenix Wemyss: “Remember, everything you need is already inside of you.”
Phoenix Wemyss: Boat is nothing without water and man without his dreams!
Phoenix Wemyss: Love conquers all...
Phoenix Wemyss: I exist as I am, that is enough...
Phoenix Wemyss: Sometimes, you just need to disconnect and enjoy your own company…
Phoenix Wemyss: The future is closer than you think...
Phoenix Wemyss: The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven not man's.
Phoenix Wemyss: To lose a worthless friend is worthy of a testimony.
Phoenix Wemyss: So act like you don't know...
Phoenix Wemyss: It comes and goes in waves...
Phoenix Wemyss: Anyway the wind blows 🍃
Phoenix Wemyss: We dream in colors borrowed from the sea...
Phoenix Wemyss: Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there
Phoenix Wemyss: Just wanna have a conversation, forget about the obligations ...
Phoenix Wemyss: When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.
Phoenix Wemyss: None but ourselves can free our minds.
Phoenix Wemyss: Being cool is whatever you think it is. Own your style.
Phoenix Wemyss: Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them. b
Phoenix Wemyss: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day ?
Phoenix Wemyss: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Phoenix Wemyss: Where words leave off, music begins.