Claudia Voglhuber: Ice roses.
Claudia Voglhuber: An always soothing sight.
Claudia Voglhuber: A winter's tale.
Claudia Voglhuber: My mind is resting on the roofs like the snow.
Claudia Voglhuber: Another world, where the trees write poetry all day amidst the untouched snow.
Claudia Voglhuber: Frozen sunflower.
Claudia Voglhuber: Rising after the longest night.
Claudia Voglhuber: From the winter diary.
Claudia Voglhuber: Wintry morning tea in my handmade ceramics.
Claudia Voglhuber: How often I wished I could just lie down in the snow without feeling the cold and just be absorbed by the silence of winter.
Claudia Voglhuber: Garden visitors.
Claudia Voglhuber: Winter window.
Claudia Voglhuber: When autumn met winter.
Claudia Voglhuber: This heavy heart.