Claudia Voglhuber: A moment of arrival and anticipation. Blown off by the storms of life so harshly.
Claudia Voglhuber: A short stay on the beautiful Croatian island Pag in the middle of June.
Claudia Voglhuber: “The highest form of love is to be the protector of another person’s solitude.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
Claudia Voglhuber: Josefines roses blooming in the heart of summer.
Claudia Voglhuber: There is softness found everywhere.
Claudia Voglhuber: Elderflower dream.
Claudia Voglhuber: When the sky was covered and the clouds heavy.
Claudia Voglhuber: There is this kind of peace lying on those old rooftops.
Claudia Voglhuber: Everything in everything.
Claudia Voglhuber: Morning apple in its simple beauty.
Claudia Voglhuber: Love in the garden.
Claudia Voglhuber: The meadows were yellow from all the buttercups and the clouds hanging gently in the sky.
Claudia Voglhuber: Returning to all the wild grasses.
Claudia Voglhuber: When we were finally able to take a deep breath of mountain air again.
Claudia Voglhuber: The first light of the day.
Claudia Voglhuber: When the winds became suddenly warmer.
Claudia Voglhuber: Frozen daisies at the end of April.
Claudia Voglhuber: I want a room up there!
Claudia Voglhuber: My spring read, The Ladies of Grace Adieu.
Claudia Voglhuber: Between pages & tulips.
Claudia Voglhuber: Quince tree bloom.
Claudia Voglhuber: If I was a bug I would walk that path between the wood anemones.
Claudia Voglhuber: Eyes closed.
Claudia Voglhuber: The first warmer sunbeams in spring, always feel like a rebirth of the soul.
Claudia Voglhuber: Just one moment before the apricot trees started to bloom.
Claudia Voglhuber: Flower shadow play.