fabionodariphoto.com: If you visit Xingping don't forget to plan a photo session with on the few cormorant fishermen left. Really a unique experience. Here's an interesting fact: historically, cormorant fishing has taken place in Japan and China, as well as Greece, North Maced
George Probst: Great white shark framed by mackerel scad
Luc Mercelis: Mechelen, kerstmarkt
Normen Gadiel: Fou Finha
Masashi Wakui: flower's durability
étix: En route, c'est Noël par Stéphane Thirion
enneafive: Yacht
enneafive: Sunflower in the Dark
enneafive: Looking
*Chris van Dolleweerd*: dripping pepper
fandarwin: Freak Alley Downtown Boise (Explored 1/27/2020)
Victor Burclaff: "Is that your phone?" Zipper ~ Macro Mondays {Explored}
pomian31: summer garden....
Chas56: Canola field
tdwrsa-2: an opportunistic hopper...
dv over dt: Desert Air Motel - Fuji GW690 - Fuji Velvia 50