Ross Spirou: Seducing the senses...
just.Luc: Mort d'Orhpée (1866)
just.Luc: Secret d'en haut (1879)
just.Luc: Duomo di Milano
Joel Robison: Solitary Cycle
PaxaMik: Silver drops
PaxaMik: Black mood
PaxaMik: Perles
PaxaMik: The purple gate
PaxaMik: Noires couleurs
PaxaMik: Grisaille
PaxaMik: In the car
suzannelacroix: Ligne horizontale
!Michel Grenier!: Vraquier sous le soleil couchant / Bulk carrier under the setting sun
!Michel Grenier!: Church series 3
!Michel Grenier!: Vieux-Québec / Old Quebec
!Michel Grenier!: Crépuscule Industriel / Industrial Twilight
ericnzhou: Happy Mother's Day!
Carl Vanassche: IMG_3659
alexstoddard: Quiet Crescendo
Curculion: Gros-bec errant / Evening Grosbeak [Coccothraustes vespertinus] ♂ (Mâle)
gastoncadieux: McGill,Maisonneuve
Steve (englishgolfer): Victorian daredevil