clarice629: Caylen smiling after having his forehead touched
clarice629: 3 bands for mummy- twin 1, twin 2, herself
clarice629: Caylen 10 hours old
clarice629: Cayson 10 hours old
clarice629: Cayson smiling after hearing his name
clarice629: first group photo
clarice629: celebrating his new identity as DADDY!
clarice629: Caylen 1 day old
clarice629: Cayson 1 day old
clarice629: Caylen 1 day old
clarice629: Cayson 1 day old
clarice629: group photo of the 2 day olds
clarice629: Caylen @ 2 days old
clarice629: Cayson @ 2 days old
clarice629: Caylen @ 2 days old with his victory sleep pose.
clarice629: Cayson @ 2 days old
clarice629: hands @ 5 days old
clarice629: Cayson @ 5 days old
clarice629: Caylen @ 5 days old
clarice629: Cayson @ 5 days old
clarice629: Caylen @ 5 days old
clarice629: umbilical cords souvenirs
clarice629: feet @ 5 days old
clarice629: head @ 5 days old
clarice629: Cayson 1 week 1 day old
clarice629: Caylen 1 day 1 week old
clarice629: "Dude, whats wrong with you?"
clarice629: Caylen @ 1 month 3 days old
clarice629: Cayson & Caylen, 1 month 3 days old
clarice629: Cayson @ 1 month 3 days old