clarice629: Her adventurous personality accompanied with her unemployment appearance always fill our home with laughter. She completes our family.
clarice629: I didn’t know there was so much love in me until she come along.
clarice629: Better find your umbrella
clarice629: Soaking mushroom
clarice629: we. found. water!!!!
clarice629: say hello to our eastern european friend
clarice629: where the ships die quietly
clarice629: my toy cameras
clarice629: where in KL is this?
clarice629: where in KL is this?
clarice629: one more reason why i love being at home
clarice629: rage against the dying of the light
clarice629: McDonalds bought the copyright and made the mushroom McDonalds color, Mario was not happy about it.
clarice629: Choose the world of your choice
clarice629: do not cross. photo shoot in session
clarice629: Smelling like her masterpiece.
clarice629: acrobatics on car
clarice629: the gent has a tie
clarice629: The forest is so big, so why hang yourself on one tree?
clarice629: birthday twins. 5.
clarice629: fried chicken fried rice
clarice629: someday my dark knight will come
clarice629: hand made new year cakes
clarice629: vertical and horizontal
clarice629: the man who wrote a new chapter in malaysian history
clarice629: carnival
clarice629: cafe on the street
clarice629: sunday market
clarice629: dogs and their natural habitat
clarice629: rubber duckie has arrived