clarice629: ben & tuck getting ready for the trip!
clarice629: sri lankan friendliness
clarice629: sri lankan air
clarice629: colorful bus #1 of 5000000
clarice629: fierce clouds
clarice629: tiniest store ever
clarice629: green
clarice629: fellowship of the coconut trees
clarice629: sunset at the dock
clarice629: friendly clouds
clarice629: how can i not love Sri Lanka???
clarice629: a walk at the dock
clarice629: Siyambala House
clarice629: infinity pool, infinity blue
clarice629: fresh flowers everyday
clarice629: the Sri Lankan morning
clarice629: yellow and brown
clarice629: sunset between the coconuts
clarice629: the Sri Lankan sunset
clarice629: tree and Life
clarice629: Dutch church
clarice629: final resting place
clarice629: the harmonious relationship between man and sea
clarice629: Galle fort
clarice629: teachers' college
clarice629: final resting place
clarice629: final resting place
clarice629: child, tree and Life.
clarice629: bread van