Clare_McCarthy: Snowy London
Clare_McCarthy: Snowy bike
Clare_McCarthy: Tube in the snow
Clare_McCarthy: Victory monument, Blenheim Palace
Clare_McCarthy: Bum ;-) Blenheim Palace
Clare_McCarthy: RIP Steve Jobs
Clare_McCarthy: I love chocolate
Clare_McCarthy: Giant Jelly Babies, London
Clare_McCarthy: Meerkats
Clare_McCarthy: Monkey in Beale Park
Clare_McCarthy: Burnt West Pier, Brighton
Clare_McCarthy: Brighton Mirrorball
Clare_McCarthy: Dandelion Sculpture, Wembley
Clare_McCarthy: A bee on a flower at Eden
Clare_McCarthy: Boats in Poole harbour
Clare_McCarthy: Swans on the Thames in Windsor
Clare_McCarthy: Strawberry
Clare_McCarthy: WEEE Man, Eden Project
Clare_McCarthy: WEEE man, Eden Project
Clare_McCarthy: Seal in St Ives
Clare_McCarthy: Eden from high up
Clare_McCarthy: Lands End
Clare_McCarthy: Choccywoccydoodah Dipping pots
Clare_McCarthy: Choccywoccydoodah Boudoir, Brighton
Clare_McCarthy: Eden Bee
Clare_McCarthy: Eden Waterfall
Clare_McCarthy: Purple flowers at Eden