Fragadesenhos: Meu desenho publicado em ZH em março de 2015, que anda por aí nas redes ilustrando a opinião de quem é contra a estupidez e retrocesso dos que pedem o retorno da ditadura militar!!! #fragadesenhos #joaogordo #jeanwhyllys #boracreditaroilustrador
bua: dama de branco
decor8: VTWonen Inspired
decor8: VTWonen Inspired
Pedro Lucena: Alice toma chá
Floating Lemons Art: 122: Mouse Enjoying Tea
Danny Roberts: Thom Yorke
my grey sky: Clementine
Gustavo Nardelli: If it's games you want, I've played a few... Let me say up front I'll lose to you. I can see you're a beginner, well beginner's luck runs out. You think you're a winner but let me tell ya, the winning's not what it's all about
.vintage.: piquis
meluseena: She caused an Eclipse
ApplesInMyBra: 13 Guests were interrupted
ApplesInMyBra: Basil is too pooped out to play fetch!
ApplesInMyBra: Do not attempt to dry cats, dogs or any other pets or livestock
ApplesInMyBra: Leaf Basil alone
bua: era de noite
WrenHouseYarns: Desk view.
kristenellen: beach bum
N i c K: Curiando
hellvz: Natureza Viva
Alberto+Cerriteño: Cushions!
marcelomortex: CHILD GIRL
tomasito1968: forbidden place