Annie_Pants: Milk Fish
Emmi (hearts) RyRo and Frank Iero: He thinks you're a whore
RogerFojas: Roger as the press photographer
Nine Inch Nilina: othersfilm
kathryn in stereo: the pearl; iceland.
kathryn in stereo: H, M, V, R, J & K.
kathryn in stereo: I fucked up my knees.
blurintofocus: videoscreencap
blurintofocus: DSC03762.JPG
blurintofocus: DSC03510.JPG
blurintofocus: DSC02989
xxfixmein45: Pete Wentz
emogrl: Ryan ross
- Aleks -: move on
heapster4ever: DSC03542
estimmel: drink time
fa$hionista: pic taken for banoota ;p
-revive: I still love you and I hate myself for it.
-revive: i just want to feel loved
heapster4ever: DSC03375
- Aleks -: green world
Chas Redmond: STPostElliottBaySunSparkles
côte d'ivoire: dearest elliott