Ars Electronica: Pulse of Earth / UAI Universidad Abierta Interamericana (AR), LatBiolab – Laboratorio Latinoamericano de Bioarte (AR), Puerto Rico Science, Technology and Research Trust (PR)
davnull: nitro mahalia
davnull: 404festival
Arlekom: Villa serrana
Arlekom: Fuego Austral
Ars Electronica: Made to Measure / Group Laokoon (DE): Cosima Terrasse (FR), Moritz Riesewieck (DE), Hans Block (DE)
marissawebster: My photos
koen_jacobs: Pulvis et umbra sumus
koen_jacobs: Holocaust Memorial
koen_jacobs: Tunnel of Light
koen_jacobs: At the courthouse
koen_jacobs: The Underpass
koen_jacobs: Two horses and a tree
koen_jacobs: Equilibrist
koen_jacobs: they were dead they said
koen_jacobs: Moments before...
koen_jacobs: Palais de Justice, Brussels
borderlys: kiss
gmassol: Funky, Darky, Nect
Dvann562: WonderCon 2016
Dvann562: WonderCon 2016
archidose: Hybrid solitary... semi-social quintet... on cosmic webs...
FelipeMalhue: Highkat SGh