Céc!luce: La Duchère
Céc!luce: Portrait dévoré
Céc!luce: Comme à la craie
Céc!luce: Jardin de Lou'Sa
Céc!luce: Paradis perdu
Céc!luce: Under the bridge
Céc!luce: Piétons
Céc!luce: Un samedi soir sur la terre
Céc!luce: Un autre samedi soir...
Céc!luce: Sandhamn House
Céc!luce: Plateau des Hautes Fagnes
Céc!luce: Plateau des Hautes Fagnes
Eliza 110: Daring, for Our Daily Challenge
Eliza 110: Cityscape
ulisach: _DSC8337
Joélisa: ~~Anémone Sylvie~~
Ewa Ciebiera +3 mln visits. Thank you!: When love wants to speak, reason must keep quiet...
brunolagrutta: Trópico
Fred Matos: bruma
daveelmore: Frosty Winter Sunrise
1ManWAC: Fragile
orbed: Circlelinear
Pawel Papis Photography: Light Symphony
Liamfm .: Inis Meáin Sunset
m. geven: Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca)
CROW1973: Haubentaucher
Claudia Brockmann: Let's run ......
Angela Doigo: Lac de Neuchâtel