This was as close to flying as I got today; thunder, low cloud and gliding don't mix. A day gliding from Storrington was my 50th birthday present last September. I suppose it can wait a bit longer...
Southdown gliding club, Storrington. Too cloudy & thundery for flying so it turned into a photo op instead.
With the airsock like that at a glider airfield? They're 'aving a girarffe! Which I found out to my cost after I'd booked to do my gliding experience present for a third time today. Such is life...
Here's a variation on an old one (Google "there were two teddy bears sitting in the airing cupboard...")
Goodnight West Sussex. Seriously late home from work and almost home at 0415h but couldn't resist stopping off to enjoy the pre-dawn from a favourite spot on the A29 above Bury and Amberly. Peace and serenity still exists in this turbulent world.
The fence could be a handy guide for the rule of thirds...or not! Sun-up in Greatham, West Sussex this morning.