Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of the Person in Front of You in Line Buying Scratch-Off Lottery Tickets For Eternity
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Finishing Your Holiday Shopping Early
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Stop
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Reaching For Your Wallet in an Insincere Gesture, As If You Have Any Intention of Paying For the Meals
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Squirt
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Copywriting
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Crowdfunding
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Tennis
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Criss-Cross Applesauce
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of High Fives
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Rustling Leaves
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Interval Training
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Accidentally Slicing Your Skin Off with a Vegetable Peeler
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Sneezing
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Expectoration
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Urination
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Flatulence
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Half Marathons
Marc-Anthony Macon: The God of Marathons