Marc-Anthony Macon:
Coy Boy in Towel and Slippers
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Alien Heartthrob
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Honeycomb Lesbian Love
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Another Christopher Street Cat[echism]
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Red Laughing Boy in His Dorm Room
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Inner Voyage in Blue
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Young Shozo [The Talk of the Town]
Marc-Anthony Macon:
An Ounce of Saccharin
Marc-Anthony Macon:
The Right Change
Marc-Anthony Macon:
The Green Seduction of Lady Isabella
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Teammates and Fingerprints in Blue
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Brain Babe Dancer in Crayon and Sumi
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Moss Maidenform Fantastic
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Young Shozo As the Aurora Borealis
Marc-Anthony Macon:
The Turnstile Jumper [Qui Moun' Qui]
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Another Christopher Street Coven[ant]
Marc-Anthony Macon:
God of the Riverland
Marc-Anthony Macon:
The Libation Bearers' Incisively Hilarious Vision of Chad Prime
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Marc-Anthony Macon:
The Advent of Kingu Flaminghidorah [i ate a good brekfast today]
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Young Shozo Over Red & Blue Unity Oyster
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Sins of Our Fathers [Hot & Cold Remix]
Marc-Anthony Macon:
The Beautiful People Over the Pouty A.I. Bot Boy [Unreality All Around]
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Sweet Phantom of the Locker Room
Marc-Anthony Macon:
4ll 4rt I$ Theft [After Norvet]
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Safety Janice and Mother Earth News
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Volcanic Eruption with Phantom Wang
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Young Shozo Over Cravings
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Rainbow Tasting at the Mini Mart
Marc-Anthony Macon:
Gloria in Excelsis Algae Yume