Christina Noerdam Andersen: On the verge of tears
Christina Noerdam Andersen: With you in my heart I'm never alone
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Whenever we're together, time stands still
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Bang bang you're dead
Christina Noerdam Andersen: It was like trying to see a shadow in the dark
Christina Noerdam Andersen: "Her lips on his could tell him better than all her stumbling words." Margaret Mitchell
Christina Noerdam Andersen: "Don't put me on a pedestal, for I am sure to fall. Just love me as I am, flaws and all." Unknown author
Christina Noerdam Andersen: "Don't put me on a pedestal, for I am sure to fall. Just love me as I am, flaws and all." Unknown author
Christina Noerdam Andersen: “Touch has a memory.” John Keats
Christina Noerdam Andersen: These days pass me by I dream with open eyes
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Intangible as a flutter
Christina Noerdam Andersen: All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream Edgar Allan Poe
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Just before our love got lost you said I am as constant as a northern star And I said "Constantly in the darkness" James Blake/Joni Mitchell
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Just before our love got lost you said I am as constant as a northern star And I said "Constantly in the darkness" James Blake/Joni Mitchell
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Everybody loves the sunshine (a repost from warmer days)
Christina Noerdam Andersen: "Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness; natives give it solidity and continuity; but the settlers give it passion." White, Elwyn Brooks
Christina Noerdam Andersen: "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." Robert Frost
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Waist deep in thought
Christina Noerdam Andersen: "The very thought of you I forget to do Those little ordinary things That everyone ought to do I'm livin' in a kind of a daydream" Billie Holiday
Christina Noerdam Andersen: I love you much, it's not enough
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Love: A Fundraiser Love is not singular except in syllable. ~Marvin Taylor We want to make the impossible a possible by raising funds for a dear friend and fellow creative who is battling cancer. As a community, we love Alessio @aleesio and his fami
Christina Noerdam Andersen: “I'm not lost for I know where I am. But however, where I am may be lost.” A.A. Milne
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Le Petite Prince (a repost)
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Another repost whilst we are waiting for the summer
Christina Noerdam Andersen: “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Christina Noerdam Andersen: Love: a fundraiser for a fellow creative In light of all the promoting and help that has come for Ale and his family during the #love_fundraiser we wanted to share a message from Ale's wife, Vanessa: 'Your love is like the sun in a storm. I contin