p_vision: Suburban self-care. Hopefully the neighbours won't mind
p_vision: Dead dragonfly someone carefully propped on a sign
p_vision: Flags at noon
p_vision: Local friends: anyone want these adorable cooperative games? I worked hard to collect them but eldest is too old now.
p_vision: Oh dear. Just found another stash of creamers and sugar bowls I'd forgotten I'd had. If anyone local loves them let me know - I may be able to part with them.
p_vision: Local friends: dinner plates free to a good home. Three of the plates on the left and four on the right. Let me know if you're interested.
p_vision: Tis the season
p_vision: Local friends: anyone want these six adorable midcentury cups and saucers? I got them in a moment of weakness because they are adorable but I never use cups and saucers. Ever.
p_vision: Milkweed flower with a wisp of asparagus. Tonight I learned that milkweed on a damp grey evening smells different than on a hot sunny afternoon.
p_vision: Oopsie daisy
p_vision: Solstice shadows and last winter's snowflake
p_vision: Summer solstice and the northern hemisphere
p_vision: Damn it. That's two years in a row I've been too late to enjoy the lack locust blossoms.
p_vision: I took my shoe, Alien, down. It's a super sweet space to exhibit in. Grateful for the opportunity.
p_vision: Horse chestnut leaves and a dandelion rosette seen while pounding the pavement at lunch looking for a house to buy.
p_vision: I have never in my life put flowers in the bathroom but well the lilacs are blooming and we had a wee party.
p_vision: Last-minute party game for the new 6yo: pin the tail on the Tauntaun. (Sp?)
p_vision: Eldest found some clay in the backyard and made these little bowls. They air dried without cracking somehow.
p_vision: Selfie in an old Christmas ball.
p_vision: New piece by @esceramics from Guelph potters market
p_vision: Discovered new security measures installed by Youngest yesterday. Use the fork?
p_vision: Youngest and giant allium. "Is it as big as my head?"
p_vision: Eldest and Japanese maple
p_vision: You guys! Crabapple wood is the same colour as the blossoms!
p_vision: From last week when it was warm, after the rain. This morning I was a big crow bathing in this same puddle.
p_vision: Lilacs and garbage cans from the other night
p_vision: Cat supervising garbage night
p_vision: It looks like my life with this kid is all sunshine and tie dye... Fiction.
p_vision: Longing to be at the cottage. He asked me to write that caption.
p_vision: Selfie with piggy