aycasan: beautiful colours of autumn..
aycasan: Karagöl ARTVİN
aycasan: Autumn Sunlight
aycasan: dance of autumn sunlight
aycasan: old layd&fog
aycasan: Fog in the Forest
aycasan: Fog On The Lake..
aycasan: see you soon..
aycasan: Forest View..
aycasan: water is life..
aycasan: The Joy of Life
aycasan: sleeping beauty..
aycasan: forest view
aycasan: resting time..
aycasan: Hıdırnebi yaylası
aycasan: Hıdırnebi Yaylası..
aycasan: have a nice day..-))
aycasan: The colours of autumn
marzitxu.: please,
*ian*: Sitting Pretty
Fil.ippo: Miracolo a Milano
Ballet Lausanne: Sleepless Tree
Joaquim Antunes: Coruja-do-nabal (Asio flammeus)
Captain Smurf: IMG_9290
Matt Granz Photography: 24 Points of Light
Ballet Lausanne: Concentration
jdkvirus: Colours
TravellingTheBLU26: The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen.