Chuzai Living: House envy. I think a lot about a career and my life these days. I have been a stay at home mom since I became a mom many years ago. It was a decision I made for myself as well as a decision that my situation made for me due to my husband's job which t
Chuzai Living: My family and I went to Georgetown last Sunday on Mother's Day. I always love going there especially on a sunny day. This is one of my favorite buildings there with stars. 先週の日曜日、母の日に、家族でジョージタウンへ行きました。特に晴れの日にジョージタウンをぷらぷらするのが好きです。こちらは、私が気に行っている建物の一つ。
Chuzai Living: My son loved playing on this old train placed in front of a local museum in Vienna, a suburb outside of Washington, D.C. 息子は、ワシントンDC郊外のヴィエナという街の、博物館前に置かれた昔の電車で遊んで、大喜び。
Chuzai Living: Monday is here. We're looking forward to seeing what this week will bring. 月曜日。今週がどんな週になるか楽しみです。
Chuzai Living: Happy Mother's Day to all of the people who have played a role as a mother. Mothers have the power to make the world a better place for children. I have so much respect for those who have put their families first before themselves. 母親の役割を果たしたことのある全ての人に
Chuzai Living: I am homeschooling my pre-k son until he will start kindergarten. My story is on my blog. キンダーが始まるまで、うちで息子をホームスクールしています。経験談を、ブログに更新しました。
Chuzai Living: I have kept a distance from my social media accounts in the past few days since I have been busy with my personal life. It will stay busy for a while and so how life goes. I need to be better about time management. These are flowers from my friend's ga
Chuzai Living: Up into the endless possibilities. はてしない可能性に向かって。
Chuzai Living: A slight change in our kids room with storage boxes. Have a great weekend! 収納ボックスで、ちょっと子供部屋に変化。良い週末を!
Chuzai Living: The circle decor pieces are strainers from Turkey. The gridwork below is a table top from Japan which she made it into a decorative shelf using a carved wood wall hanging on top. I was amazed by my friend's eye for design. 丸い飾りは、トルコからのザル。格子の木枠は、掘りごた
Chuzai Living: Mixture of Japanese and Turkish furniture and decor. Designed by my friend who is very creative. 日本とトルコのデザインと家具。工夫が上手な友人によるデザイン。
Chuzai Living: Cosmos - We are a dot in the universe. 宇宙 - 我々は、宇宙では、点にしかすぎない。
Chuzai Living: The beautiful sun light is pouring into our home this morning on Friday. It looks like it is going to be hot this weekend. Have a great weekend! 明るい太陽の光がうちの中に降り注いでいる金曜日の朝。今週末は、暑くなるとか。良い週末を!
Chuzai Living: The spring is moody. It makes me moody. 春は気まぐれ。天気に気分を左右されます。
Chuzai Living: It's important to me that my kids pick up their own toys and tidy up their living space on their own. My policy is that I don't help them with cleaning. There are consequences if they don't take care of their toys. 子供達が自分でおもちゃをしまって、子供部屋の片付けができるのは、大切だと感
Chuzai Living: A few minutes after the before photo. Slightly cleaner.
Chuzai Living: Before cleaning up Legos.
Chuzai Living: I found these pretty grey storage boxes at Target and instantly fell in love with them. These boxes make the shelves look much less cluttered. My kids room used to be decorated with a lot of girly toys. Gradually typical toys for boys made their ways i
Chuzai Living: From my friend's garden to our living room. Decorating with flowers makes home warm and pretty. I love it even though it requires some work to maintain. We started keeping our windows open in the spring time. I cannot believe how much pollen has been c
Chuzai Living: I am amazed by seeing how new lives emerge in the spring from what it looked dead in the winter. Flowers are blooming and new leaves started to fill empty branches, bringing them back to life. Mere 10 days ago, it was cold enough to wear a winter coat.
Chuzai Living: We did our egg hunt at home and the kids had fun including my oldest who is getting a bit old for it. Who wouldn't love finding candies in plastic eggs? I didn't grow up celebrating Easter, but I like its element of celebrating the arrival of the spring a
Chuzai Living: This is how our guest bedroom looks when we open our sofa into a bed. The week of my kids spring break flew by. The fun started with my mother-in-law's visit from Texas. Then to the Kusama Exhibit with the kids. Kids had a couple of sleepovers and I ta
Chuzai Living: Anthropologie is such eye candy. I didn't know that Urban Outfitters is its parent company. アンソロポロジーというお店は、目の保養になるお店。アーバンアウトフィッターという、若者向けのお洒落なお店が、親会社とは、知りませんでした。
Chuzai Living: Kabocha. I could see how Yayoi Kusama found them comforting. I took my kids and their friends to the Kusama Exhibit at the Hirshhorn Museum. It didn't occur to me how busy touristy places get during the spring break and Washington, D.C. is a popular tour
Chuzai Living: Our kids saw "Beauty and The Beast" with their grandma on Friday and loved it. Our fun and eventful weekend flew by. Have a great week! 子供達は、おばあちゃんと、念願の美女と野獣の映画を観ました。楽しかった週末は、あっという間に過ぎ去って行きました。皆さんも、良い週をお過ごしください。
Chuzai Living: This past Wednesday it was warm and went up to 78 degrees Fahrenheit. It is 42 degrees this morning on Friday. Yesterday a storm tore through the DC metropolitan area with a tornado warning and we even had hail. This photo was taken soon after the hail
Chuzai Living: A chair that blends in. Obliteration. #infinitekusama 溶け込んだ椅子。抹消。
Chuzai Living: The whole experience was amazing. At The Yayoi Kusama Exhibit in Washington, D.C. More photos on my blog. #infinitekusama すごく面白い展示会でした。ワシントンDCでの草間彌生さんの展示会にて。写真をブログに更新しました。
Chuzai Living: The whole experience of Yayoi Kusama Exhibit at Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, D.C. was fascinating. Kudos to my buddy for sticking with me for all the waiting he had to do! #infinitekusama ワシントンDCのハーシホーン美術館で行われている草間彌生さんの展示会での経験は、すごかったです。一緒に来て待ってくれた息子に感
Chuzai Living: Hello Monday! I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and good start to a week. 月曜日!週末にリフレッシュし、気持ち良く新しい週を迎えられましたように。