Chuck_Tang: Taking a picture with the city
Chuck_Tang: 鎮海樓的這個 View 很讚!我剛剛才知道鎮海樓建於1380年,老古董了〜
Chuck_Tang: My guitar 3
Chuck_Tang: The sky was so bright when I leave the office tonight, as if the sun has chosen not to set even when the inevitable darkness has fallen / 今晚離開辦公室時的天空仍然很亮,就像太陽不肯衰落,儘管無法避免的黑夜早已降臨。
Chuck_Tang: ^_^ It's a sunny day / 今日天氣真好〜
Chuck_Tang: Girl and Husky / 女孩與哈士奇
Chuck_Tang: My cross-over artwork with @lokngs will be showcased at the Lok Ng Sense Visual Exhibition tomorrow / 明天的吳文華感官視覺展將會有小弟的作品展出哦 ^_^
Chuck_Tang: Just got the frames from IKEA for the upcoming @lokngs Sense Visual Exhibition
Chuck_Tang: Lanterns at IKEA
Chuck_Tang: 廣州越秀公園站的超長隧道 / The super long tunnel in Yuexiu Pa...
Chuck_Tang: 好可愛〜
Chuck_Tang: 這是要做可口可樂吉祥物的節奏〜
Chuck_Tang: 懷念夏天的阳光明媚
Chuck_Tang: 殘雲收翠嶺,夕霧結長空
Chuck_Tang: 手卷壽司 / Hand-rolled Sushi
Chuck_Tang: 喝個茶,讀個書 / Have a tea, read a book.
Chuck_Tang: The Canon EOS 70D booth @ Guangzhou Canon Grandfair
Chuck_Tang: Limited edition of the Canon 100D 「Speed of Rainbow」by Chenman @ Guangzhou Canon Grandfair 2014 <3
Chuck_Tang: Geisha no.2
Chuck_Tang: Geisha
Chuck_Tang: The Casual Photography Gear / 休閒攝影裝備
Chuck_Tang: 工作過後,好好享受 / Enjoy coffee, after duty
Chuck_Tang: Chanel iPhone Case
Chuck_Tang: Fog of Guangzhou / 霧中廣州
Chuck_Tang: Fog of Guangzhou / 霧中廣州
Chuck_Tang: Fog of Guangzhou / 霧中廣州
Chuck_Tang: Fog of Guangzhou / 霧中廣州
Chuck_Tang: Fog of Guangzhou / 霧中廣州
Chuck_Tang: Little family / 小小大家庭
Chuck_Tang: 佛山郊遊小分隊