"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0084.jpg art yellow backgroubd and black vulture
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0084.jpg art filled green black vulture pt 2 darker
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0084.jpg art filled green black vulture
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0084.jpg art red background black vulture
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0395.jpg terns group great shot
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0424.jpg osprey blk wht for ink step
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0501.jpg osprey campbell public use.jpg blk and wht
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0754_01.jpg blk wht bird wit borders.jpg in blak and white
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0257.jpg female Merlin guarding nest
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0195.jpg merlin by nest
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0448.jpg black shrike on branch
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0456.jpg blake shrike
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0020.jpg single tree holey land flock of birds in background
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0313 turkey vulture on 4x4
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0244.jpg male and pregnant female hawk nest right behong them
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0243.jpg male and pregnant female hawk by their nest.
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0200.jpg osprey going by the moon in day time.
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0138.jpg blk and wht Egrett
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0043.jpgblk wht kingfisher in branch overcast sunless early morning
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0301_01 blue gray knat catcher
"..the earth is full of your creatures.": DSC_0294_01 blue gray knat catcher