L.A-Photography: Freshwater sunset
L.A-Photography: Warp Speed!
L.A-Photography: Monument
L.A-Photography: Appley Monument
L.A-Photography: Appley Ship Monument
L.A-Photography: Sitting in a hide for the first time
L.A-Photography: Loving this crazy weather!
L.A-Photography: A random tree.
L.A-Photography: Culver monument
L.A-Photography: Yarmouth Sunset
L.A-Photography: Brightstone
L.A-Photography: Star Trials
L.A-Photography: Yarborough Monument
L.A-Photography: Centre of an Orange
L.A-Photography: Top of an Orange
L.A-Photography: Victoria Plum Pip
L.A-Photography: Centre of a Plum
L.A-Photography: Victoria Plum
L.A-Photography: Halved Apple
L.A-Photography: Water Droplet
L.A-Photography: Water droplet
L.A-Photography: Kiwi Fruit