Chronicole: 10 and 2s for Mother's Day.
Chronicole: 10 and 2s for Mother's Day.
Chronicole: IMG_0759
Chronicole: Proof.
Chronicole: Happy Goddess
Chronicole: That last noodle doesn't stand a chance. HapaPDX happiness.
Chronicole: Lovely mural
Chronicole: Sand castles
Chronicole: Kick the clouds
Chronicole: When you don't get sick very often you have to milk the pathetic with all you've got.
Chronicole: Classic
Chronicole: Happy birthday to me
Chronicole: Exasperation
Chronicole: There was a little girl with a few less curls in the middle of her for head
Chronicole: IMG_2477
Chronicole: Windy
Chronicole: Room without a roof