aussiegall: Looking up
lakelandowl: Caernarfon Dreams
inourhands: Concord 2005
inourhands: jones beach 05
inourhands: Tori Amos and Natashya
jennasic: a bride and her dog
jennasic: first dance
Caroline, Kelly, Connor & Jesse: Drombeg stone circle from equinox position2
perseverando: Drombeg stone circle
anaxila: Drombeg Stone Circle
anaxila: Drombeg
john hough: DSC_0671
K's Photo's: West Cork Directions
Rich007: The witch tree
Andri Elfarsson: I love the green green moss at Godafoss
TamanduaGirl: Somethings not right
dwelldeep: 9.10.07
ehall: curl up-n-dye
Elf Owl: newly henna'd hair 3.24.07
marysuephotoeth: Hairsticks style
Stephen P. Johnson: Nashville Broadway Oct06_25-01
Stephen P. Johnson: Nashville Broadway Oct06_11-01
joshunter: Nashville From the Coliseum
Heaven`s Gate (John): Vaulted Ceiling
1/2-pint: on the outside looking in
sean dreilinger: stained glass and trees in our backyard - img_0019.jpg
cathyse97: Stained Glass at church
Daniel Y. Go: Stained Glass - S3isStainedGlass