christopherfree: 315 lbs. Squat
christopherfree: IMG_2987
christopherfree: IMG_2986
christopherfree: IMG_2985
christopherfree: 335 lbs - Deadlift PR
christopherfree: 315 lbs. - Deadlift
christopherfree: 235 lbs 3x
christopherfree: Bien Trucha
christopherfree: Knife fight up in the mountains.
christopherfree: Front porch hibiscus.
christopherfree: Another shot of that 2002 tii #bmw
christopherfree: 1972 #BMW 2002 tii - I will own one of these some day, but $27K is a little steep.
christopherfree: Brian and I outside of Kona Brewing on our trip to Hawaii. So ready to go back.
christopherfree: My favorite photo from our trip to Portland this year. Great group of people that I rarely get to see all together.
christopherfree: $120,000 #BMW
christopherfree: IMG_1495
christopherfree: IMG_1502
christopherfree: IMG_1494
christopherfree: My favorite beer, hands down.
christopherfree: IMG_2710
christopherfree: IMG_2709
christopherfree: IMG_2708
christopherfree: IMG_2707
christopherfree: IMG_2706
christopherfree: IMG_2705
christopherfree: IMG_2704
christopherfree: IMG_2703
christopherfree: IMG_2702