ArunaR: chundanga
rafhuggins: ‘The stretch of water, it’s always There for you to cross over To the other shore, observing The lights of cities on blackness.’ From States - Tom Paulin. Streets of East London. SL35mmLUX 62014123-AED5-4119-A0D6-908F7128CDA6
raymond TO: Not so small anymore
gseloff: Camo
KM's Live Music shots: Gaelic Voices (2018) 02 - Nell Ni Chróinín
Sandra Standbridge.: Barn Owl (Tyto alba).
Die Welt, wie ich sie vorfand: Myanmar, Ayeyarwady Region, Pathein District, Pathein Township, Zin Pyun Kone Village Tract
Andy Morgan Writes: Drimnin pier at dusk
Andy Morgan Writes: Drimnin pier at dawn
Andy Morgan Writes: Morvern Peninsula, looking towards Mull
Andy Morgan Writes: Tree near Drimnin, Morvern
Andy Morgan Writes: Tree near Drimnin, Morvern
Andy Morgan Writes: Drimin at Sunset
Andy Morgan Writes: Isle of Ulva Ferry, Mull
Andy Morgan Writes: Isle of Mull, look towards Ben More
Andy Morgan Writes: Isle of Ulva, Hebrides
Andy Morgan Writes: Isle of Ulva, Hebrides
Andy Morgan Writes: Nestled in the rocks
Andy Morgan Writes: Near Thioram Castle
Andy Morgan Writes: Rannoch Moor
Andy Morgan Writes: Rannoch Moor
Die Welt, wie ich sie vorfand: Cambodia, Kandal Province, Kaoh Thum District
Die Welt, wie ich sie vorfand: Cambodia, Prey Veng Province, Peam Ro District
rafhuggins: E‘On this island things fidget. Even history. The landscape does not sit Willingly... Landmarks shift, become unfixed’ From What the Mapmaker Ought to Know - Kei Miller . The great British Seaside Brighton , yesterday. Passer-by. A5C0E54-B9E0-4402-84EE-6
rafhuggins: ‘When she trembled it wasn’t one string but the whole instrument...’ from Nostalgia , Blake Morrison . Streets of Hoxton, London 44626CCC-525B-4332-A1DF-7A002CF7173D
Die Welt, wie ich sie vorfand: Cambodia, Takeo Province, Bati District, Trapeang Sab Commune
gseloff: Two Wood
rafhuggins: ‘What would I have called home, before I began creating home? Before I had to learn to ravel up longitude, latitude..’. From Measures of Expatrriation VI, Vahni Capildeo. Streets of London. 1830743A-B7C0-4AF7-A246-D95CCA7100E0