dapatches: Girl and Boy
dapatches: Ella
dapatches: Ella
dapatches: Elizabeth and Tomie
dapatches: Something Smells Stinky
dapatches: See, I'm moving on
dapatches: Written in Stone
dapatches: Seated on Benches
dapatches: Swinging
dapatches: Unclear Reflections
dapatches: Under the Arches
dapatches: The Walk
dapatches: Thanks Claude
dapatches: "With the end of my breath, which is the beginning of yours".
dapatches: "The well-known lack of frontiers between non-madness and madness does not induce me to accord a different value to the perceptions and ideas which are the result of one or the other."
dapatches: "She is so pure, so free of any earthly tie, and cares so little, but so marvelously, for life."
dapatches: "Perhaps life needs to be deciphered like a cryptogram."
dapatches: "...And because it's only the beginning."
dapatches: "I am the thought on the bath in the room without mirrors."
dapatches: Clearly
dapatches: Not Really Playing Alone
dapatches: Elizabeth
dapatches: Angry Billy