chrislake4: Rock Pipit rock hopping!
chrislake4: European Shag
chrislake4: Cuckoo
chrislake4: Cuckoo
chrislake4: Cuckoo
chrislake4: Cuckoo
chrislake4: Cuckoo
chrislake4: Short-eared Owl
chrislake4: Sandwich Tern
chrislake4: Sandwich Tern
chrislake4: Sandwich Tern - with a head shake to shed excess water after a dive.
chrislake4: Rock Pipit
chrislake4: Little Bunting (right) comparison with a Reed Bunting
chrislake4: Little Bunting
chrislake4: Song Thrush
chrislake4: Reed Bunting
chrislake4: Reed Bunting
chrislake4: European Shag
chrislake4: European Shag
chrislake4: European Shag
chrislake4: Firecrest
chrislake4: Stonechat
chrislake4: Great Northern Diver
chrislake4: Red-breasted Flycatcher
chrislake4: Red-breasted Flycatcher
chrislake4: Grey Seal
chrislake4: Grey Seal
chrislake4: Grey Phalarope
chrislake4: Grey Phalarope
chrislake4: Grey Phalarope