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albums of iseek&sometimesfind
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Argoflex 040
Holga 022 [Landscape Reductions, Pt. 2]
Argoflex 037 [excerpts of earth in spring rain]
Argoflex 036 [Spafford Night]
Holga 021 [Little York]
Ace Reporter
Argoflex 033 [Fog Farms]
Argoflex 032 [Nashville Night]
Isolette 001
Argoflex B 001
Argoflex 029 [Rte 38]
Argoflex 028
Argoflex 025 [Hoxie]
Argoflex 026
Bencini 002 [Nashville Cats]
Lubitel 008 [Hell's Kitchen --> W. Village]
Argoflex 024 [Grand St. --> Wash Sq]
Argoflex 023 [Botanic Garden]
Mallory's Recital
Argoflex 022 [Gowanus Exploration]
Diana 003 [Coney Xpro]
Argoflex 021 [Further Adventures]
Satellite 001 [Gorge[ou]s]
Holga 017 [Plaid Experiment 01]
Bencini 003
Diana 002 [Historic Sea Gag]
Holga 016 [B'klyn v. Nashville]
Bencini Koroll II [001]
Holga 015 [on the anniversary...]
Argoflex 019
Argoflex 017
Argoflex 016
Holga 135BC 001
Diana 001
Argoflex 011 [they only come out at night...]
The States In S. America [Collector's Edition]
Argoflex 013 [hunting steam wizards]
save time
Killer BOB @ Local 269
Baby Brownie Special 001
Argoflex 006 [Live Footage @ The Stone, Pt. 3]
Rebel 012 [in the pines, in the pines...]
Argoflex 010 [hot&cold at opposing times]
Argoflex 008
Rondo Colormatic 001
Rebel 011 [mosses & fungi i]
Rebel 010 [a style of music popularized in the early nineties]
Rebel 009
Holga 009
Argoflex 007 [An Old Old Church In Cortland]
Holga 003a [35mm]
Rebel 007 [Live Footage @ The Stone, Pt. 2]
Rebel 006 [Live Footage @ The Stone, Pt. 1]
Argoflex 005 [South Slope Wanderings]
Holga 008 [A Wedding]
Holga 007
Argus C2 001
Ansco 1065 001
Holga 006 [Graves]
Holga 005
Rebel 004
Rebel 003
Lubitel 008
In One Wind
Rebel 002 [a ghost in brooklyn's chinatown]
Argoflex 004
Rebel 001
Lubitel 007
Lubitel 006
Lubitel 005
Argoflex 003
Argoflex 002
Lubitel 004
Lubitel 003
Argoflex 001
Lubitel 001
Lubitel 002
Holga 004
Holga 003
Holga 002
Holga 001
Alphax Shutter Guts