Mig 74: Sanglier - Wild Boar
Lionel Quaglia: Coucher de soleil sur le cairn de l'Aiguillette des Houches.
janeellenH: Meadow sage
janeellenH: narcissus-flowered anemone
janeellenH: Martagon lily
janeellenH: Greater yellow rattle
janeellenH: Sycamore fruit
janeellenH: New Fern
janeellenH: Common bellflower
janeellenH: Common Milkweed
janeellenH: Everlasting pea
janeellenH: Wild parsnip
janeellenH: Lanceleaf coreopsis
janeellenH: Milkweed everlasting pea and chicory
janeellenH: Last of the snow at Etape
janeellenH: Ossuaire communal St Nicholas
janeellenH: Roman Bridge
janeellenH: Walk to Etape
janeellenH: _MG_4362
janeellenH: _MG_4364
janeellenH: _MG_4371
janeellenH: _MG_4367
janeellenH: Chris fin de saison
janeellenH: Boots and sandals in the bin
strumski: Small Wonder.
simonGman: The Runaway
Laura Lovell Lolaloppit: foxglove dreams
Laura Lovell Lolaloppit: Vintage foxglove