Rupert stockwin: twayblade
neal young.: laughing gulls
Arddu: Baobab Moon
Arddu: Sacrificial Cock
Tiggrx: Mournful-widow (Scabiosa atropurpurea)
mickd410: early spider-orchid
Philip Percival: Lizard 4
In Memoriam: od0man: Scarlet Caterpillar Fungus [Cordyceps Militaris].
In Memoriam: od0man: Xanthogramma pedissequum.
Penny Metal: Weevils
zosterops: A good spot for a nursery....
foliosus: Spiranthes sinensis (Orchidaceae); Nejibana (捩花, ネジバナ)
foliosus: Corridor of 1000 gates (senbon torii, 千本鳥居)
jim hurst: jim hurst white terns
neal young.: IMG_8825
neal young.: IMG_1652
neal young.: IMG_0660
neal young.: IMG_8310
David Cartier: Above the Kluane River
David Cartier: Storm Winds
Nuytsia@Tas: Hillside of Blandfordia
Danny Beath: Fly agaric colony
Steve Reekie: Drosera arcturi
Renée Lebeuf: Leocarpus fragilis / Léocarpe fragile
Renée Lebeuf: Sarcoscypha occidentalis / Pézize occidentale
Arddu: Golem ist tod
Ben Heather: Sulphur Clover (Trifolium ochroleucon) and Pyramidal Orchids (Anacamptis pyramidalis)
BobButcher: The elusive one
David Cartier: Kluane Night Crossing
Arddu: Hippotion (rosseta)