chrisboo1974: Focused.
chrisboo1974: "say cheese"
chrisboo1974: Stink Horn Stockgrove Park
chrisboo1974: Timeless
chrisboo1974: Shrooooooom.
chrisboo1974: IMG_0004.jpg
chrisboo1974: Ston Stratford Zombie Pub crawl 2012
chrisboo1974: IMG_9295
chrisboo1974: IMG_9307
chrisboo1974: IMG_9315
chrisboo1974: IMG_9252
chrisboo1974: IMG_9318
chrisboo1974: IMG_9323
chrisboo1974: IMG_9322
chrisboo1974: Common Mycena ~ Mycena galericulata (Fries) S. F. Gray (my-Senn-na ga-ler-ih-cue-LAY-tah)
chrisboo1974: IMG_9327
chrisboo1974: IMG_9276
chrisboo1974: IMG_9279
chrisboo1974: Fast Shutter Rain.
chrisboo1974: Looking up ^
chrisboo1974: IMG_1599-Edit-2
chrisboo1974: Pretty in Pink
chrisboo1974: BOING !
chrisboo1974: VORTEX
chrisboo1974: Take it to the Bridge
chrisboo1974: Spinnnnn !
chrisboo1974: Spiiinnnnnnn
chrisboo1974: IMG_7034.jpg
chrisboo1974: Return of the Domes
chrisboo1974: IMG_7029.jpg