Rui.Roda: Octagon 3 (Back light) - Ben Goldberger
Rui.Roda: Asian Dragon - Mindaugas Cesnavicius
ob猫~: Sparkle
oschene: Bonbon
oriol esteve - trickster origamist: Jumping Rabbit (Action model) By oriol esteve
Francesco Guarnieri: Abete 2 - Fir tree 2
DimonC1: Origami exhibition Minsk 2013
PauliusOrigami: Gen Hagiwara's Violin folded by Paulius Mielinis
Origami T-My: Origami Owl by Yoshimasa Tsuruta
n-horiguchi: Flower part.2 by Uchino Yoshiaki
ORI_Q: Dolphin 2015
Nham Van Son: Sage on crane
lingyu0416: 明日方舟 伊芙利特
lingyu0416: 明日方舟 推进之王
The Plant Psychologist: forest path-5
The Plant Psychologist: forest path cp
The Plant Psychologist: forest cp (detailed)
esli24: Frohe Ostern 2021
Viviane des Papiers: Violoniste, de Viviane Berty 2022
NeoSpica / NeoLiveArt: New Design Cup / Nuevo Diseño Copa 4
ob猫~: Skating Girl
ob猫~: Surfing Girl
ob猫~: 桃夭夭
Andrea Borsa: Cat by Daniela Carboni
catherine.moore44: Kumanri - Ninety Thousand Kilometres. Design by Rokoan Gido
guangxu233: ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
Sunburst2001: Croupier
Necon//: Pieta