chris_o_hughes: Back from shopping!
chris_o_hughes: (Possibly) Noble False Widow
chris_o_hughes: Glow-worm
chris_o_hughes: Quaking Grass
chris_o_hughes: Common Knapweed
chris_o_hughes: Sparrer Box
chris_o_hughes: Common Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium)
chris_o_hughes: Black Horehound
chris_o_hughes: Sainfoin
chris_o_hughes: Creeping Cinquefoil
chris_o_hughes: Water Forget me not
chris_o_hughes: Downy Woundwort
chris_o_hughes: Common Broomrape
chris_o_hughes: Going solo
chris_o_hughes: And for my next trick
chris_o_hughes: Laugh !!!! I fell off me perch !
chris_o_hughes: Fledglings
chris_o_hughes: Common Fumitory
chris_o_hughes: Bumble Bee
chris_o_hughes: Sometimes I stands and thinks ....
chris_o_hughes: Grounded ...
chris_o_hughes: Hop Trefoill
chris_o_hughes: Perennial Rye Grass
chris_o_hughes: Unidentified Slug
chris_o_hughes: Marbled White
chris_o_hughes: Dropwort (Filipendula vulgaris)
chris_o_hughes: Evensong
chris_o_hughes: Blackbird
chris_o_hughes: Grass Vetchling (Lathyrus nissolia)