Chosson and Kallah: Jewish wedding planning Seder Infographic
Chosson and Kallah: making the needles
Chosson and Kallah: potato hedgehogs
Chosson and Kallah: Potatoes (bottoms flat)
Chosson and Kallah: Wedding Shtick (Marc Berenson Photography)
Chosson and Kallah: potato mushrooms
Chosson and Kallah: potato hedgehog 5
Chosson and Kallah: potato hedgehog 4
Chosson and Kallah: potato hedgehog3
Chosson and Kallah: potato mushroom
Chosson and Kallah: potato hedgehog 1
Chosson and Kallah: gigi flyer 1
Chosson and Kallah: gigi flyer 2
Chosson and Kallah: coutredebr3
Chosson and Kallah: coutredebr2
Chosson and Kallah: goldsteinbr6
Chosson and Kallah: goldsteinbr5
Chosson and Kallah: goldsteinbr4
Chosson and Kallah: goldsteinbr1
Chosson and Kallah: Design by Flora
Chosson and Kallah: Design by Flora
Chosson and Kallah: Design by Flora
Chosson and Kallah: Design by Flora
Chosson and Kallah: Design by Flora
Chosson and Kallah: Fortune Wigs
Chosson and Kallah: Fortune Wigs