photoangel55: DSCF0940-01
Marek Gorgerat: La Croisée
dtfld: Blue Tit
dtfld: Nom Nom Nom
Don Cassel: Great Blue Heron catches and eats a nice fish.
photoangel55: DSCF3057
txetxugonzalezberrio: puente viejo
txetxugonzalezberrio: mistikak itsasora deitzen
Steve Arena: Humpback Whale / Hnúfubakur (Megaptera novaeangliae)
jensi311: Vergessene Welten
p.mathias: Downtown New York
photoangel55: DSCF5900
p.mathias: Brooklyn Bridge
dirk huijssoon: The beauty of a 'simple' seagull - New Zealand
p.mathias: Humboldt Penguin at Prague Zoo
PicGirl14: 🎼 Michael Marcagi - Scared To Start 🎼
PicGirl14: Moab, Utah
photoangel55: DSCF5938
PicGirl14: 🎼 Byron Langley - Light On 🎼
Florian106: Sonntagmorgenhimmel, 3.12.2023, 8:30: Erster Advent
delecroix.richard: XE3-49201 copie bw copie
darklogan1: The charm of late autumn.
berrywine: DSC_0258
PicGirl14: 🎼 David Dixon - Before It Gets Too Cold 🎼
LusoSkies: 2023.08.23 - 035608 (NIKON D7200) [Monte Muralla - Rianxo]
Ron Buening: Swerve