ngchongkin: 1208 In complete devotion--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: 0151 In deep meditation--Varanasi ghats , India
ngchongkin: 169 Colorful sarees--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: 056 tete-a-tete--New Delhi , India
ngchongkin: A rickshaw wallah taking his forty winks--New Delhi , India
ngchongkin: 0894 On a dark and misty morning--Dal Lake , Kashmir
ngchongkin: The Greatest monument built for Love--Taj Mahal , Agra , India
ngchongkin: 1069 The Snake Charmer of Delhi--India
ngchongkin: The Taj Mahal as seen from the banks of the Yamuna River--Agra , India
ngchongkin: The Taj Mahal ( in B&W ) , as seen from the Yamuna River , Agra , India
ngchongkin: A Golden Morning--Kashmir , India
ngchongkin: Hari Parbat Fort--Srinagar , Kashmir , India
ngchongkin: Portrait in B&W--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: 4036 In deep thought--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: 4179 A great haircut--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: 4183 Nishat Gardens--Kashmir , India
ngchongkin: Exchanging morning greetings --Dal Lake , Kashmir , India
ngchongkin: Praying in The Jamia Masjid--Srinagar , Kashmir, India
ngchongkin: 2205 At the Holy Ganges River--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: 7704 Flowers for sale--Dal Lake , Kashmir
ngchongkin: 4249 A heated exchange of words with her neighbour--Kashmir , India
ngchongkin: Park Landscape--Gulmarg , Kashmir , India
ngchongkin: The Taj Mahal Mausoleum as viewed from the mosque--Agra , India
ngchongkin: A dhobi at work--Agra , India
ngchongkin: A morning boat ride on the Holy Ganges--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: Morning trishaw ride , Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: A religious event at night , Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: Making preparations--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: After a haircut , do I look OK ? , Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: A religious ritual at the Varanasi ghats . India