ngchongkin: 305 khara-khoto mosque--China
ngchongkin: Taungthaman Lake--Amarapura , Myanmar
ngchongkin: 208 Evening work--China
ngchongkin: Cattle crossing a lake--Myanmar
ngchongkin: 034 Rushing for the catch--Bali , Indonesia
ngchongkin: Calling it a day--Xiapu , Fujian Province , China
ngchongkin: 1134 Morning boat ride--Endau Rompin , Johor , Malaysia
ngchongkin: 2205 Island at low-tide , East China Sea Coast--Xiapu , FujianProvince , China
ngchongkin: Flooded fields--Xiapu , Fujian Province , China
ngchongkin: The farmer and his friend--Xiapu , Fujian Province ,China
ngchongkin: Lady cowherds--Mandalay , Myanmar
ngchongkin: Monk at prayer--Ayuthaya , Thailand
ngchongkin: The village bride in western-style gown ---Xiapu , Fujian Province , China
ngchongkin: 2397 Shigar river valley , Pakistan
ngchongkin: Launching against the waves--Bali , Indonesia
ngchongkin: Indus river--Pakistan
ngchongkin: Drying rice paper--Vietnam
ngchongkin: A lagoon at sunrise--Kelantan , Malaysia
ngchongkin: Resting from the Summer's heat--Xiapu , Fujian Province , China .
ngchongkin: 4017 Attending to the nets--Kelantan , Malaysia
ngchongkin: Leg-rower on Inle lake--Myanmar
ngchongkin: 0124 In deep thoughts--Xiapu , Fujian Province , China
ngchongkin: 0254 An evening storm--Chengde , China
ngchongkin: Smoking is BAD for health--Myanmar
ngchongkin: 0114 A religious man--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: 0241 An old man at the ghats--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: 0124 Performing religious rituals--Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: 0894 On a dark and misty morning--Dal Lake , Kashmir
ngchongkin: 0149 Beautiful floral lamps for sale--River Ganges ,Varanasi , India
ngchongkin: A cool and calm evening --Dal Lake , Kashmir .