Dave Schumaker: The definitive guide to nice places to live in San Francisco!
Dave Schumaker: A weekend in wine country.
vieri bertola: Codibugnolo - Aegithalos caudatus - Long-tailed Tit (Explored)
Chris Arnade: Willies Pigeons in flight: Bushwick Brooklyn
wee3beasties: A Collection of Yawns
JRIDLEY1: Mr. Jay!
justeline: Prelude to Autumn
*Sylviè: Fingi di esser forte, ma sei fragile
art photon: This flower is mine!
Marrkk: The Great Ladybird Escape
art photon: Home is a leaf and a flower
Nuajes: L'ombre de soi-même...(Explore)
Cheap Photos: English Autumn
Masashi Mochida: Baby pose(June 15,2011 Explore )
buchsammy: Fliegende Ohren
babykailan: The long dark stare well
Ph0tomas: Cloudy Reflections
mibreit: Summer Glow
Richard Skiba: Cute Hare
lanier67: Ragtime Cat (feat. Lilja Bloom)
*elySoft*: Hypnotic eyes...
`Hanna: Lagartija
Misty✈Flix: Great Grey Owl
Ali Khathoub: Dedicated to "Grizzly Man"...